Starting a Hybrid Office

hybrid office setup guide

5 Key Challenges to Starting a Hybrid Office

With the way that cloud communications are advancing, having a hybrid work environment for your business has become more common. Of course, it started with the pandemic quarantine, when many businesses were forced into a hybrid model almost overnight and without the communications infrastructure to support it. Now companies are deciding whether to permanently implement these practices. While it is up to each business to decide, starting a hybrid office is something we are beginning to recommend.

Why Consider Starting a Hybrid Office?

The benefits of the hybrid office include:

  • Reduced operational costs.
  • Increased productivity. 
  • Better flexibility and adaptability.
  • Higher employee satisfaction.
  • A new pool of talent. 

Furthermore, employees (and potential employees) are expecting it. According to a recent Gallup poll, 53 percent of employees expect that their work environment will be hybrid in 2022 and beyond with 59 percent listing hybrid as their preferred location. Another 32 percent listed remote work as preferred. Only 9 percent stated that they preferred a fully on-site work environment. Considering that 60 percent of employees worked fully on site pre-pandemic, this is an earth-shattering shift in employee expectations and preferences.

So the question is less “Why consider hybrid?” than it is “What are you doing to make hybrid work more engaging  and productive for your team over the long haul?”

Key Challenges 

Of course, with that you must consider how to effectively implement this work model without it doing more harm than good. There are five key  challenges to starting a hybrid office that most businesses face. We call them the 5 Cs of :

  1. Communication
  2. Collaboration
  3. Connectivity
  4. Control
  5. Compliance

Free Quick Start Guide

Navigating these hurdles takes planning and expertise in unified communications. To help businesses get started, we’ve created a free Quick Start Guide to Setting up a Hybrid Office. In it you’ll find

  • More details on the 5 Cs.
  • Four essential steps for setting up your hybrid office.
  • How unified communications can help.

It is important to us that your business is working to its full potential. If you are considering starting a hybrid office, we can help. Schedule a consultation today.

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James Smith Bio

James Smith

As President and Chief Connector, James loves solving complex communication problems to help businesses transform, optimize, grow and succeed. One of his favorite parts of the job is being able to smooth the pathways for clients to communicate clearly and effortlessly. On this blog he shares telecommunications industry news and the latest trends.

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