Business Unified Communications Are Essential for Sales and Marketing Teams

Business Unified Communications for sales and marketing

Sales and marketing industries live by the mantra, “time is money.” Whether you’re rushing to close a client but need to provide them with important answers first, or quickly trying to correct a PR mistake so it doesn’t negatively affect your brand’s reputation, time is of the essence. UC-Links with Webex for sales and marketing understands the importance of business unified communications to help your team meet your deadlines. 

Sales: Time Is Money

Using UC-Links with Webex you can create spaces where you can get your whole team together and also create different spaces for specific topics and projects. This helps with collaboration on proposals for your important clients. 

Here’s just one scenario where UC-Links with Webex can save time: Customers almost always have additional questions after a presentation or proposal. UC-Links with Webex has a feature where you can @mention a team member who can answer clients questions immediately during the meeting. Without having to take the time to track down answers, this alleviates the need to schedule a separate follow-up meeting. You are also able to see when the expert reads your message, they can review the history, and if needed, you can video-call them in real time with just one touch. This ensures a timely response with the information requested addressing the clients concerns right at the moment. 

If necessary, after the call, the expert can follow up with the customer or client by creating a space to share supporting documents and information pertaining to their questions. Your customers or clients will feel assured the expert is on board along the journey until the deal is signed. 

Marketing: Time Is of the Essence

Today, most marketing revolves around social media. It can be tricky sometimes to have a presence in such unpredictable, explosive environments. You have to be prepared to correct, respond or make a critical public statement at any time. Enabling UC-Links with Webex for marketing, you can gather all your coworkers and experts in one place to brainstorm and respond to situations in half the time. 

Create a space around the urgent topic with relevant team members. Work together to resolve the issue no matter your location. In this space you can share important and helpful documents, links, files and information with the whole team to give background to the issue at hand. If, at any point, you need to call in additional team members, they will be able to see the history of the chat in the space and access any information shared to quickly get up to speed. This includes internal and external users. If needed, you can instantly switch from a chat to a meeting using the call button and a meeting will start with all of the members of the space. 

Once you come to a resolution, you can easily create spin-off spaces to navigate the issue long term if necessary. This will help you and your team plan proactively and decrease response time in the future. 

You can also automatically invite all the members to a future meeting, with just one click. You can even view other members’ calendars so you can plan meetings accordingly.

Sales and Marketing Teams Need Business Unified Communications Solutions

Get the best platform for your needs. UC-Links with Webex recognizes just how valuable time is for you and your team and is prepared to house you while you improve your systems and processes. Get the most out of your collaborative platform with help from Universal Connectivity. We will implement and manage your IT solutions so you don’t waste your precious time. Book a meeting with us today to get started!

James Smith Bio

James Smith

As President and Chief Connector, James loves solving complex communication problems to help businesses transform, optimize, grow and succeed. One of his favorite parts of the job is being able to smooth the pathways for clients to communicate clearly and effortlessly. On this blog he shares telecommunications industry news and the latest trends.

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