Your Business’s Net Promoter Score and Why It Is Important

Net Promoter Score Blog - Universal Connectivity

As a business leader, you’re always looking for ways to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. One metric that can help you measure these factors is the Net Promoter Score (NPS). This metric is based on the idea that customers fall into three categories: promoters, distractors, and passive customers. The promoters are those highly satisfied with…

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How 5G Internet Is Changing the Way We Work and Live

How 5G Internet Is Changing the Way We Work and Live

The internet has altered our world in many different ways, and 5G internet is on the path to shake things up again. 5G, short for “fifth generation,” is the latest wireless communication technology that’s known for lightning-fast speeds and greater bandwidth. Currently, 4G is the most widely used internet technology in many countries, but 5G…

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IoT and Business Telecommunications: What the Internet of Things Trends Mean for Business Telecommunications

IoT and Business Telecommunications Trends for Business

The internet has forever altered our lives, which is why the “internet of things” (IoT) trends will undoubtedly affect your business, too, especially your telecommunications systems. Learning more about IoT and business telecommunications implications will make you better prepared for future success.  Internet of Things Definition The internet of things is a concept that refers…

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Why E911 Compliance Matters: Understanding the Impact on Your Business

Compliance with E911 for Businesses

In today’s world, where employee safety is paramount, understanding and complying with “Enhanced 911” or E911 regulations is crucial. Negligence to comply not only puts your employees, customers, and guests at risk but also exposes your business to legal and financial consequences. Conventional 911 services were based on a phone number associated with a fixed…

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Is Your Sunk Cost Mentality Holding You Back From Getting to the Cloud?

cloud based system

Your phone system is your critical link to stay connected to customers. When it’s down, service is interrupted or old elements begin to falter, your business suffers as a result. Sometimes, these things are simply beyond your control; say a storm wipes out your building. With a legacy premise-based system, you’re instantly disconnected from incoming…

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New Call Center Service Offering: UC-Links With Talkdesk

Call center service agent

If you own or work in a small business, you know that customer service is your top priority. The way you communicate with customers and respond to their needs is at the heart of great service. To help you improve your customer interactions, Universal Connectivity is now offering UC-Links with Talkdesk call center services.  These…

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Universal Connectivity Adds Business Phone Analytics Platform

Business Phone Analytics Platform iCall

The analytics that iCall Suite collects and easily displays provide actionable insights that are otherwise unavailable. The benefits of this product we now offer can be used to ultimately stay ahead of the competition. James Smith, CEO and Chief Connector Universal Connectivity recently partnered with Tollring to add iCall Suite, a business phone analytics platform…

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What to Look for in a Business Internet Provider in Connecticut

What to Look for in a Business Internet Provider in Connecticut

When searching for a business internet provider in Connecticut, it’s important to look beyond the basics — like services and pricing — in order to find a trustworthy partner for your company. It’s both the big and small details that distinguish a quality internet provider from the rest. Due diligence is key to getting business…

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M&A? Why Business Communications Due Diligence Is Critical

Business Communications Due Diligence

There’s a lot of strategic planning that goes into mergers and acquisitions, yet a big mistake that’s often made is not performing business communications due diligence. Before two companies merge, it’s crucial that the communication systems are able to talk to each other. Otherwise, you risk disrupting customer service, productivity and more. Learn how to…

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Convince Your Boss to Upgrade Your Phone System: IRR Calculation

Phone System IRR

The IT department often gets the brunt of employee and customer frustrations for phone issues, yet your boss doesn’t see the need to upgrade your phone system. Whether it’s due to a lack of understanding or financial concerns, there are different reasons why upper management could be hesitant to move forward. With a strong argument,…

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