How Business Communications Systems Help Project Managers Stay Organized

organized project managers

As we help clients with business communications systems, we understand that an important part of being a project manager is your ability to successfully manage all the moving parts of a project. Information sharing between people and tools needs to be seamless to keep the project running smoothly. Having the capability to show the entire layout of a project plan, its teams and meeting schedules all within one place allowing you to communicate with clients, colleagues and stakeholders is invaluable. UCLinks with Webex product offering helps project managers share important information and updates with clients. Project managers can publish information effortlessly to communicate with clients the current project status, avoiding a bunch of pesky emails. 

Stay Organized

With the UCLinks with Webex product, project managers can create private, invitation-only teams of specific groups of stakeholders. The general space can be used for announcements or information meant for everyone working on the project and other spaces can be defined for specific users or project roles, keeping the right information in front of the right audience. 

Connect With Stakeholders

You can invite your stakeholders to join a space and any external parties will receive an invitation via email with instructions to join the space. There is also an @mention feature you can use to address people in the spaces.

Access Information

Key features like flagging frequently used files and important messages makes it easy to refer back to needed information. The search tool also comes in handy, allowing you to search for any files you forgot to flag. 

UCLinks with Webex Helps Project Managers Communicate Clearly

Project managers can send private messages to stakeholders to set up one-on-one meetings outside of a space. Schedule a meeting where you can record, share and use a whiteboard feature. 

Choose Universal Connectivity to Implement Business Communications Systems

UCLinks with Webex helps project managers reduce the chaos around stakeholder updates providing a simple, full-featured platform with calling, messaging and meeting capabilities. This way you’re keeping your team organized and up-to-date, moving your project toward completion. At Universal Connectivity, we will help you implement UCLinks with Webex into your business so you can take full advantage of the platform. Schedule a consultation with us today to get started. 

James Smith Bio

James Smith

As President and Chief Connector, James loves solving complex communication problems to help businesses transform, optimize, grow and succeed. One of his favorite parts of the job is being able to smooth the pathways for clients to communicate clearly and effortlessly. On this blog he shares telecommunications industry news and the latest trends.

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